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Beat the Post Christmas Blues

Posted by on December 26th, 2011

Although the Christmas season is starting earlier and earlier each year, come December 26th there’s always a bit of sadness that Christmas is over once again. Getting back into a normal way of life after being in the holiday spirit for so long isn’t easy, but with a few simple tips you and your family can beat the post Christmas blues.

Start planning things to look forward too. You might not have the energy for a long trip, but a romantic dinner with your spouse might be the mini vacation you’ve needed after the busy holiday season. Or plan a family game night for some quality time together.

The best way to beat any kind of blues is exercise! Like the rest of us, you’ve probably put on a few pounds the past few weeks and it’s making you feel exhausted and unhappy. Taking the whole family on a winter hike will help shake off those extra pounds and fill you with endorphins. Or head to your local community center for some indoor fun.

Cheer up, only 364 days until next Christmas!

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