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Eat in Season With Winter Vegetables

Posted by on January 3rd, 2012

You may think it’s hard to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables in the middle of winter, but their are plenty of tasty veggies in season right now! Tons of squashes, root vegetables and hardy greens thrive in the cold, and add a ton of seasonal variety to your plate.

Why stick to seasonal eating when the super market has everything you could want all year round? Eating in season has a lot of benefits. Vegetables that are in season are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, and since they are picked fresh they are almost always more flavorful.

Seasonal eating has positive environmental effects as well. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are usually grown locally, and take much less energy to transport. Out of season vegetables are usually picked at least one month before they show up at your local supermarket. During that time a lot of fuel is needed to transport the vegetables, while keeping them cold so that they remain fresh.

Stuck on what to do with your local winter crop? Just search the internet for the thousands of different squash soups, roasted root recipes, or hearty winter salads.

Bon Appetit!

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