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How to Make Sprouts

Posted by on May 14th, 2012

Making your own sprouts is a fun adventure in farming, without ever having to leave the kitchen. Sprouting is a great way to teach kids about how How to Sprout | Guarantee Green Blogplants grow, and sprouts are one of the most healthy things to eat.

Lots of websites sell fancy sprouting equipment, but all you really need is a bowl, some dried beans (red lentils or mung beans are a good place to start), and some counter space. Start by soaking the dried beans for a few hours. Larger beans should soak overnight, but lentils only need about 5 hours.

After soaking, drain all the water and let the beans sit there. Rinse the beans twice a day to keep them moist, and watch as they grow. Tiny tails will start to come out of the bean, and after two or three days they are ready to eat. To slow down the growth of the sprouts you can keep them in the refrigerator, or to speed up the growth you can put them in the sunlight (just make sure they don’t dry out).

Sprouts make a delicious addition to any salad, or a simple crunchy snack to eat on their own.

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