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Summer Skin Care

Posted by on June 20th, 2012

Summer Skin | Guarantee Green BlogAs the summer heats up, we start spending a lot more time outside. The warmth of the sun might be fun for long days on the beach, but it’s a hazard for our sensitive skin. Before you begin working on your tan, learn how proper summer skin care keeps your skin staying young and healthy.

Sunshine is good for us. It gives us lots of vitamin D, and keeps us happy, however when the sun’s rays are very strong it also damages our skin deep down. If you want to prevent wrinkles, a good moisturizer is a must. Make sure your summer moisturizer has an SPF of at least 15, however more is better. Having a nice tan is great, but not when your going to end up looking like a raisin by the time you’re 50!

Your face isn’t the only place that needs loads of sunscreen. Make sure that you protect your body from the harsh rays of the sun. Even if you aren’t worried about the horrible aging effects to the sun’s rays, you should be worried about skin cancer. If you don’t have a lot of time to soak up the sun, a simple SPF 15 sun screen will help protect you against harmful UV rays. For a day on the beach, go for a higher SPF, you’ll still get a nice tan but without all the added harm from the sun.

Be safe about summer skin care and have worry free fun in the sun!

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