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The Restaurant vs. The Kitchen

Posted by on March 19th, 2012

We all know that homemade food is better for you than restaurant meals, and yet many of us lack the time to prepare healthy and delicious meals at home. Reusing left overs, embracing the sandwich, and being creative with food preperations will make it easier to pack a healthy lunch for work every day.

  1. Hire at home sandwich artists. Growing up the kids in my family were given a daily lunch money allowance. The money was for buying school lunches, however if we made our own lunches we could keep the cash. Although this doesn’t count as packing your own lunch, it will save you time and be a great lesson for your family.
  2. Creative dinner planning is a great way to ensure leftovers. Even if you aren’t a big fan of re-eating the same meal for lunch and dinner, certain leftovers can be quickly changed into an entriely different meal. Check out this website for some amazing ideas.
  3. Embrace the sandwich! Egg salad, tuna salad, cheese or lunchmeat all make great sandwich fillings. If you keep all these quick ingredients in the home along with some fresh fruit you’ll be able to pack a lunch in under 5 minutes.

Bringing meals to work doesn’t have to be a hassle, but it will save you money while ensuring better health.

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