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What is Meatless Monday?

Posted by on January 23rd, 2012

In the past year Meatless Monday has become a growing phenomenon. The name says it all, people world wide are starting out their week by skipping meat, but what effect does this have on our nation’s overall health?

Studies have shown that a diet lower in meat leads to lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and lower risks of certain cancers. By removing some meat from your diet you’re making room for other types of protein. Beans area staple of meat free meals, and are super high in fiber, protein, iron, zinc and magnesium.

Meatless Monday is part of a larger organization called The Monday Campaigns. The Monday Campaigns focus on a variety of healthy related choices, such as Move It Monday which is an exercise campaign. Monday is the start of the week, and psychologically people have an easier time making healthy choices on Mondays.

Heatlhy choices in the beginning of the week lead to a healthier lifestyle all week long. For more information check out www.MeatlessMonday.com and www.MondayCampaigns.org.


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