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Rug Cleaning Rockland – Cherish Your Rug

Good rug care 101: clean often

There’s the dirt you see and there’s the dirt you don’t see. Both weigh down strands and dull your rig’s beauty.

But you can fight back with Guarantee Green’s organic rug cleaning services. Our Rockland-based company uses earth-friendly solutions to rid your carpet of set-in grime.

Lesson Two: Clean Deeply

Our organic rug cleaning solutions penetrate to the root of your rug’s fibers to combat deep stains, embedded dirt, allergens and pet damage, too.

Because our cleaning solutions are organic, they won’t harm your rug’s delicate fibers, and they are safe for your family and pets.

Frequent professional rug cleaning can extend the life of your rug.  When free of dirt and grime, fibers remain strong, intact and vibrant.

Lesson Three: Save money with rug cleaning

Extending your rug’s life means you’ll save money on having to replace it. You’ll also get to enjoy its new fresh scent and soft texture.

Your once shabby rug will look new again.

Revive that ragged rug. Call Guarantee Green for a consultation.